Thursday, October 15, 2009

September 25 - October 10, 2009

WELL!!! I've been on a rollercoaster ride seriously. MAD UPSSS!!! like two downs... nothing extremely bad though hahaha.

Block Part @ UCR that shit was dope, thanks jessica for the invite! That shit was doooppe, like everything that day was just perfect, alcohol, stogs, and 7 hour energy shots!? hahaha loved it, and Kid Cudi live, he was pretty dam good I have to admit, I love it when artists are actually good live, and Kid Cudi pulled it off really well!.

Next day hit up wills house to drank it up! good times, good friends, and good alcohol! thanks alot will for everything dude, providing the place was the biggest part!!

October 2nd, I went party hopping with vee and company lol, plus Chino festival...or whatever its called.... good stuff, met up West too at this one chino hills party, and goddam was that a baller ass house! good stuff, went to another part which was... uh...whatevers i guess, ended up goin back to jane's to drank again hahaha.

saw this baller VIP lexus GS, took a rearview mirror shot of it with mikes car there.
bought a pack of dunhills....and theres also a video of bens car sparkin it up, slammed ass car hahahahha. and finally also went drinking at life with jessica and some other ppl haha, good times, theres more good shit in store for u guys :D

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