Sunday, September 13, 2009

Labor Day Weekend September 4th - 6th, 2009

Refrigerator full of beer??? hehehehe,

She's always takin pics of me and uploadin them! so this is payback HAHAHAH :D (sorry Jes) hahaha

"Happy Happy" Very descriptive name for all the colors on the fence -_-..i guess anything can be art nowadays?

Well Labor Day was a very nice weekend, giving a day off to all the hard workers that keep our world running. A DAY OFF!? i think we all deserve more than that, but its better than nothing haha. Well Friday, we went to a kickback in riverside, and it was pretty fun, West can keep ppl laughin hahaha, good shit bro, thanks to will for driving, and ben to drank it up with hahaha.

Then monday I went to a art gallery with West, just checkin it out for school ahaha. And I took some pics of some art work. so i'll let the pics do the talkin.

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