Thursday, April 23, 2009

Random Bum Encounter at the Village LOL!

hello there! well today we were chillin at the village, and outta no where this crazy ass talkin bum came and sat with us and started talkin about the most random shit! The video posted doesnt show all of it, but most of it is down there. The papers he had with him were in a folder and on the cover of the folder there was a bunch of shit wrtitten down. I asked if i could check it out he was like "yea". I then asked him what all of it was. He was like "those are all my names, my signs, shit i created, my many phone numbers, and many social security numbers." I was like " explain please?" so he starts goin on about all this bullshit that was soo funny! Bum: "I creatd hiphop/rap, cigarettes, comp usa, my sign is the play boy bunny, i created the stars, the moon, i own the Las Vegas strip, I've kicked it with many famous rappers and shit" goes on and on. Then outta no where when we were on the topic of hiphop/rap, he started flowing and he was pretty dam good! He said it was shit that he came up with when he was 13. He said he had more raps but he "lost them at the racetrack where he was betting on horses". Then he goes on and says he created MANY animals...BUT... NOT ALL! LMFAO!!! And he also said he LOVES PONY'S! So me bein a smart ass go and say "dude i have a Unicorn at home! u want it!?" hes starts mumbling to himself and shit, and then eventually hes like "na keep it man you'll grow to love it" "o.O!? WTF ROFL!!!". then matt goes and says " you know the talkin dog in men and black??" Bum: "yea". Matt: "(pointing at me) this guy has one at home u shud take it!" the bum pretty much gives the same response "keep it you'll grow to love it" He goes on and on, I'd type more but u shud be gettin the story by now. So we all move away from his area, and as im leaving in my car I pass by where he was at, and there he was talkin to these two other peeps! lmfao!! and im there thinkin as im drivin away..."where the fuck did this nigga come from, and where's he goin -_-"

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