Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Epic weekends continue! (April 24 - 26)

Well last weekend I ditched school friday, then pretty much just did what I wanted, then saturday went to Santa Monica. This weekend was equally dope as well! Friday went to ella's birthday had some beers, then saturday went to my first drift even with the homies! It was a dope weekend, I do gotta say that waking up at 7am after drinkin the night before was not fun. But once we got to the track that crappy feeling was gone, i was just thinking about going on the track the whole time. I did get disappointed because they were not letting me pass the tech inspection at first. I had no battery tie down and also no battery terminal cover. So I was kinda sad over that, but I went to autozone with Kevin and he was able to help me get the right tie down. All in all it was a good day, I was just disappointed at how i was performing...but then again I can't say much because it was only my first event. Most of the Pics and all of the videos were taken by E.R.

And here is a video of the whole drift day put together by Dk:
Inland Drift Riverside Lake Perris

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Random Bum Encounter at the Village LOL!

hello there! well today we were chillin at the village, and outta no where this crazy ass talkin bum came and sat with us and started talkin about the most random shit! The video posted doesnt show all of it, but most of it is down there. The papers he had with him were in a folder and on the cover of the folder there was a bunch of shit wrtitten down. I asked if i could check it out he was like "yea". I then asked him what all of it was. He was like "those are all my names, my signs, shit i created, my many phone numbers, and many social security numbers." I was like " explain please?" so he starts goin on about all this bullshit that was soo funny! Bum: "I creatd hiphop/rap, cigarettes, comp usa, my sign is the play boy bunny, i created the stars, the moon, i own the Las Vegas strip, I've kicked it with many famous rappers and shit" goes on and on. Then outta no where when we were on the topic of hiphop/rap, he started flowing and he was pretty dam good! He said it was shit that he came up with when he was 13. He said he had more raps but he "lost them at the racetrack where he was betting on horses". Then he goes on and says he created MANY animals...BUT... NOT ALL! LMFAO!!! And he also said he LOVES PONY'S! So me bein a smart ass go and say "dude i have a Unicorn at home! u want it!?" hes starts mumbling to himself and shit, and then eventually hes like "na keep it man you'll grow to love it" ...me: "o.O!? WTF ROFL!!!". then matt goes and says " you know the talkin dog in men and black??" Bum: "yea". Matt: "(pointing at me) this guy has one at home u shud take it!" the bum pretty much gives the same response "keep it you'll grow to love it" He goes on and on, I'd type more but u shud be gettin the story by now. So we all move away from his area, and as im leaving in my car I pass by where he was at, and there he was talkin to these two other peeps! lmfao!! and im there thinkin as im drivin away..."where the fuck did this nigga come from, and where's he goin -_-"

Sunday, April 19, 2009

One of the Best weekends I've had in a while

Well this weekend started off really good, I was actually surprised at how satisfying this weekend was! Friday, I ditched class, helped my friend change some brake pads at the chino spectrum in the blazing hot sun, ate Ajisen ramen with Michelle, picked up kitty, washed my car, then went to shutoko to help dennnis put on his new hood. Congrats on the hood bro!
Saturday comes around, and this was the epic day! me, mike, edgar, michelle, vivian, and lily all pack up and get our rowland asses over to the Santa Monica Pier. Whew what a nice day it was, the drive over was amazing, very scenic! Plus on the way over we were snapping pics of almost everything haha! When we finally get to the Pier My legs are already done because stick + traffic + more than an hour and a half driving doesn't mix well. We chilled at the pier, ate, watched some buff black dude perform, played some games, won a turtle....after about 4 - 5 shots -_-...then walked backed to the car and watched the sunset. After the sunset we were all sitting in my car waiting for edgar and lily to walk back, and as we're waiting some cop pulls up to my car with his search light on and asks me to get out the car. I show him my license, then! he says the most rediculous thing i've ever heard. He says that even though you pay for parking you have to leave the lot by sunset...WHAT KINDA SHIT IS THAT!? U PAY BUT YET U GOTTA LEAVE AT A CERTAIN TIME!??! wow... well anyway, we got back on the road and headed to Downtown Disney, once we get in the area, we COULD NOT FIND PARKING! we searched for about an hour literally. We decided to just forget Disney and head to life. On the way to life a lil urgent event happend, and michelle had to be home asap. So we had to rush to get her home, it was kinda fun actually hahaha. (glad everything went cool for u michelle!) The last of us headed to life, I ate with Vee while everyone else was chillin outside, and the night pretty much ended with a stoge at nicks house hahaha. good day man good day, Thanks for coming guys!
Sunday, FUCKIN HOT! i wake up sweating....yes i know thats nasty, but it was that hot and my windows were closed! I go to Best Buy in WestCo. to get "The Million Dollar Backpack" album, then go to give michelle her ipod, that we thought was in my car LOL, after that i was just pretty much home, and just went to Pinkberry. Took a nice long drive later, and that's pretty much the end of my night. Good Night ^_o

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Long time.. The good and bad

Hello guys...Long time no post LOL, well lots has happened in the last week. I got my car back, went to see my friend drift at adam's, and AT adam's my friend won two tickets to Formula D (which i ended up selling at the adam's track cause neither me or her could go), then my homie got wheels on his car, and the RHS kids are on spring break, haha good things right? well bad things: Dropped my english night class (teacher can go suck a dick for all i care), and idk i feel like a fckin dumb ass kid that no one listens to and shit, fuck that ima just tell ppl straight up now if i get pissed or something, then maybe some niggas will fuckin take me seriously, SHIT GETS OLD! And in other news, within less than a week, my car is back in the shop. For what!? the fuckin doors wouldn't open on my, like the locks got jammed or something, but whatever....its cool just keep fixing the bitch -_-...anyways here's some pics from throughout the week.