Thursday, March 26, 2009


Had one of the worst and scarey days of my life today. I woke up with my lung hurting, it really hurt, like it was almost like a sore muscle, in which any movement that took place would hurt it.... So I had a beer on hand, I downed it, and me being a stupid ass go and smoke a cig after that beer, after that beer I really couldn'y feel my lungs hurting at all. So people that known me would guess that I would go out and have one, and guess what, sadly I Did. Then I went to play basketball, my stupid ass smoked another one before playing, and my lung started hurting again, with more pain this i was pretty scared, getting all paranoid and shit...well I don't feel like typing anymore, cause currently as I'm typing my lung still hurts so fuck it, long story short played bball twice today, downed a beer, smoked couple cigs, my lung hurt all day, and now im like " fuck cigarettes ima quit". lets see how this goes....


  1. very legitimate reason to quit..
    i used to get those random pains
    and after i quit i felt way better.
    but when i get all that 2nd hand..
    then sometimes it comes back.
    and that shit is paaiinnffuull!

    so quit and witness yourself feeling better and saving more money, hah.

  2. what a FAILURE
    you should add that you smoked several on saturday too
    and how you magically pulled out that chewing tobacco like a magician!
    if i were your father, i'd slap you silly nilly billy willy
