Friday, December 25, 2009

The Last Christmas.......for about 5 years

A pic for the Holidays!

Well today was a very mellow, different Christmas day for me. I was thinking alot about my future today, and where I will be the next time I celebrate Christmas back here at home. While thinking about that it hit me hard that.... this is my last Christmas here! I am fine with that in a way, because I really want to make a huge move forward in this life. And as we all get older, I know that the good times wont be the same as before. Like right now when we're young and enegetic.

Today I saw Avatar with my family, and wow what a movie, it was by far the best movie I've seen in my life. After that came back home and decided to take some pics of the car in front of the gate by my house as a goodbye 2009. Later met up with michelle at Guppy's had some shaved ice, then went back to my house to chill. Mike came over for a bit and we just chilled for a bit too.

In conclusion, i just want to wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas! I appreciate all of u guys, and I'll cya guys as we get thru 2010!

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