Friday, December 25, 2009

The Last Christmas.......for about 5 years

A pic for the Holidays!

Well today was a very mellow, different Christmas day for me. I was thinking alot about my future today, and where I will be the next time I celebrate Christmas back here at home. While thinking about that it hit me hard that.... this is my last Christmas here! I am fine with that in a way, because I really want to make a huge move forward in this life. And as we all get older, I know that the good times wont be the same as before. Like right now when we're young and enegetic.

Today I saw Avatar with my family, and wow what a movie, it was by far the best movie I've seen in my life. After that came back home and decided to take some pics of the car in front of the gate by my house as a goodbye 2009. Later met up with michelle at Guppy's had some shaved ice, then went back to my house to chill. Mike came over for a bit and we just chilled for a bit too.

In conclusion, i just want to wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas! I appreciate all of u guys, and I'll cya guys as we get thru 2010!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The End Of November

BBQ @ Dk's

Beautiful pic of Kyle's car by Dennis Z.

Dk's GOLD Corolla

This one's really blurry... but I like it for some reason

Alright well since last time... I'll go in order here.

I finally got my Tint Job done, and I decided on Limo tint on the back three windows and 20% on the front windows. I love it, its so dark in there now! I feel nice and cozy :D.

Mr. DK had a BBq at his house and we had some 40oz again! haha good stuff, I'm not even gonna say what happened towards the end of the night. Tiff and Vee already know this anyway... LOL

Thanksgiving weekend finally came around. It was nice to finally celebrate the holiday with family. We went to my uncles house and grubbed!

The day after Thanksgiving... friday, lots of random chillin'....played big 2 at dk's house, went to in-n-out, went to Yes Plaza (pics), and then ended the night playing battle gear at life plaza lol.

Saturday Me, Mike, and Dennis went to watch Dk drift at Adam's Motorsports Park (pics), it was a dope event. Only complaint... it got WAY TOO COLD!! Because of that we left (sorry DK), it was insaley cold...we couldn't feel our feet... forreal...
We drove back to Rowland Heights, got some Arby's, then met up with everyone else at Speedzone. Talked for a little in the parking lot, then left to Tako's house. all in all it was a good night. We saw some drifting, got pretty buzzed at Tako's, and even had a jam session with Takos' two drum sets...while buzzin! haha fun stuff.

Now we face the last month of 2009, and a new year, 2010! lets finish '09 strong!

Monday, November 23, 2009


Here's a pic just for kicks :D

Bored today, I was browsing the MKV forum and came across this blog:
you best check it out cause its pretty win! They're also having a meet in Santa Barbara on Dec. 20th...I'm pretty down to go....

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I think...this is the sickest pic i've ever seen..

I have not seen a more perfect picture o.o, its mind boggling! Sexy car, sexy background... what more could u ask for?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

November 14, 2009 - Mike's Birthday BBQ

2 coiusins on the left, dad and mom middle, and me

the 2010 GTI - Hate the Exterior

Love the Interior

cutting the cake

bro and sis

Well my weekend was slow, really slow, seemed like nothing happened until saturday finally came around. First things first I woke up around 8am, and headed straight to my dads office to get my tooth worked on. Also had to talk to a cousin, that came to my dads office, about going to dental school in India.

As soon as I was done there, I left my dads office and went to Bozzani Volkswagen in Covina to get my lock and unlock buttons reprogrammed...they pretty much stopped working on me in september, and i just got sick of manually locking and unlocking the car LOL. Took some pics of the 2010 GTI also, in my opinion they killed the exterior, just killed it! Its hideous!! The interior though....omg, I really wish they did that kinda design for the MKV. But o well I still like my car, and it'll be with me for a WHILE.

Car was done and I was off to mikes house, where he was celebrating his 19th birthday (which is really today HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKE!). When I got there it was only nick, matt, mike and his sister, but jake came soon after and then everyone else just slowly showed up. We ate some good ass bbq, thats one thing u can always count on at his house, GOOD ASS BBQ lol. After eating we chilled outside, tried shooting this dog that bugs the neighborhood, and even called the dog poung ppl...but they nvr showed up! Then we all jsut went inside and watched movies, originally wanted to go clubbing after, but after that food, man were we lazy.. LOL. and yup it was a really relaxed day, i liked it alot, ended up going to life plaza after, and that was pretty much the end of the night!

Monday, November 9, 2009

I@CPP Tech Day/ GMR Cruise

well this was one of the first sunday's ive had that wasnt actually boring lol. I went our clubs tech day and gotta say I was satisfied with it. I finally lowered the rear of my car to the height i wanted. Ended up taking both of the collars out, on each side of the rear.

well after everyone was done with their cars we chilled and played some Forza Motorsports 3, then left to GMR, and finally ended up eating at dennys. haha here are the pics from the whole day.