Sunday, January 31, 2010

Dubbin' by the Generation

VW gti + BBS RS = timeless classic

Monday, January 18, 2010

Quoted for truth!

"You need to realize that VWs unlike BMWs tend to be more about personal expression than anything else."


show or..


..either way we're all dubbers :D

Sunday, January 17, 2010

the BIG December Post

this is the BIG december post that I nvr got to post,

Well I must say 2009 was the year for most "ups' and "downs" so many good and bad things happend. starting with me tearing up my oil pan beginning of the 2009 year(posted on this blog). Well december had many events to make it great. Starting with Left Coast Low.

Left Coast Low is a gathering similar to Hellaflush, and I must agree with what has been said about this type of car tuning. Its a Lifestyle, and theses "shows" are a gathering of all the people that life the low lifestyle on a day to day basis. Why is it a lifestyle? I'll leave you to answer that. Anyway!

December 19 - 20th: Lots happened this night, my dad sold the benxz, I got new tires mounted on my wheels, and we even drank at my house. Michele came over and I washed her car, so did Sandy. I should just open up a car wash shop or something -_- lol. I was washing my car that night for the Left Coast Low meet, and I must say all the work that was put in was worth it! It was a dope meet, the drive was nice, and I came back 400 bux richer LOL.

December 23rd: This was the night of the Super Autotoyz meet, Me, Sandy, and Mike met up at Dks house, while Francis was finishing up his fresh painted E30. After that we headed out to Stanton where the meet was. It was a okay meet, not much impressed me....ok nothing impressed me, same old shit haha. Nice thing was meeting up with some of our friends there to chill.

December 24 - 25th: It is so nice during the Holidays! Everyone is in a good mood no matter what. Families getting together, friends growing closer, all this bonding goodness LOL. For Christmas Eve my moms side of the family came over. It was chill cause, I swear my uncle cracks the funniest shit joke. Mike and Sandy even came over to play some pool, and meet my family for a bit!

Christmas Day was also very, very relaxing. I went out with my mom, dad, and bro to see the Avatar movie in 3D. What a great movie! It changed my life forreals LOL. After the movie We all went back home to relax and I snapped a couple of Christmas pics with the car, as a "goodbye it was nice owning you through Christmas kinda deal" lol. Good day, good day.

December 26th: This was a LONGGG day, started with going to best buy around 2pm to get the New Eminem cd and that Kidz in the Hall cd haha. Both are great, I recommend you go and buy them right now. After that I met up with Tiff and Vee to go shopping. We went to Anaheim Plaza, Irvine Spectrum, and Westfield Santa Ana. Did some shopping here and there good ish haha that took up about 4 - 5 hours. After that we headed back to my house to meet up with Mike and head t Mt. Baldy for our traditional trip....everything was the same basically except this time tiff and vee decided to lock me and mike out the car while we were outside -_-. blah blah blah we headed back down the mountain, and then went to Micheles kickback at her pad!

all in all great december! I will miss these memories, as I wont be able to make any new ones with my current friends once I leave to India in June... peace!!

Friday, January 1, 2010


photoshoot on the first day of a new year! with a dirty car... -_-

Well, its the start of a new year! Another year to grow older, wiser, gain weight, loose weight, keep some habits, or kick some. Looking back at 2009 I realized how much of a crazy year it was! I started last year off with blowing a engine! Seriously...thats a hectic start if you ask me. Met so many great people, and still have the same great friends. Even sold my old car and hopped into one that...honestly I never even thought I'd buy. Nissan to Volkswagen? wtf.....Rear wheel drive to Front? WHAT!? yea that kinda deal. I even made a huge decision for myself that I never even considered in my life. That was to go to India for dental school. Its a shock, but I'm going thru wit it. Not only was 2009 a great year for me, but for the whole world. Just look at how many ppl died last year! aha, then Swine Flu came around.. all this crazy stuff.

and big thanks to mike and his family! for providing a roof over our heads while we celebrated!

....meanwhile im here thinking "who the fuck reads this?"