Sunday, June 28, 2009

Beachin' It

FINALLY! A nice long getaway from Rowland Heights haha. It was tiring, frustrating, and stressful...for me and mike atleast, but all in all it was worth everything we went through! I had a blast haha. Well I start the day off by wakin up at 7:30am, I like to be ready incase plans change or something. Well I do some morning errands, and get starbucks with michelle xu, who sadly couldn't go with us. Mike meets up at my house then we head out to pick up everyone.

Going to the beach didn't take long at all, about 30 minutes tops I think (got there around 2pm...i think). So everything seemed to be going smoothly, then it comes time to find parking...that took longer than it did to actually get to the dam beach! After about what seemed like a hour, we finally find parking in this parking garage. We take everything to the beach and set up. It was very relaxing, we even drank a bit to get a even more relaxed feel. haha, it was really a good getaway. Around 8pm we decide to head back home and guess what!? traffic up the muthafuckin ass!! It seriously took longer to get home than it did to get to the beach AND find parking. that was the most stressful/frustrating part of the whole dam day!

Anyway we finally get back home and... we go to someones apartment so they can swim AGAIN hahaha, they looked like they all had fun tho and that's what i was hoping for. Didn't want anyone to be bored :D, well hopefully there'll be more trips like this during the summer!


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

June 20th - 22nd, 2009

Well lots has happened...kinda, Last week was Will's Birthday (Happy birthday man!) so they all celebrated that at Beer Station at Life Plaza. It was pretty dope, then on the weekend...Ben had this whole thing out planned that was soo fuckin chill! I swear what we did on the weekend was the definition of "chill", except for the part where me, dennis, and will, had to walk to albertsons for some supplies, and walk all the way back pushing a dam shopping cart! hahaha! no hard feelings it was dope, saw some baller ass cars while walking to that albertsons (pic with the shopping cart).

Monday, was...random kinda haha, chilled with three ppl I haven't chilled with in a while, then later me, mike, edgar, michelle, and her friend joy hit up the shoppes to chill and skate. It was pretty fun, then after just went to dennis's work and...that was pretty much the end of the day.

Monday, June 15, 2009

June 11th - 14th 2009

Well it has definitely been a long time since my last post haha. I was just waiting for my car to sell the whole time. Well not much has happened since my last post...really not much at ended..i guess thats the biggest.

June 11th comes around and it's the graduation ceremony for the seniors. Going to it made me realize..I got to get serious about my college, It's already been a year and I'm really not where I want to far as college goes. Well congrats to the graduates this year!! Welcome to the after life -_- haha jp. I wish you all the best of luck!

June 13th I go to the shoppes at 10am to meet up some guy that wanted to check out my car. Ended up selling it to him and I was soo glad to see the dam thing drive away LOL. It was a nice car and everything but...just not what i needed right now. Well after we got the money from selling the car, we go to a VW dealer in corona to check a car. Well we decided on a car, and bought it! After spending atleast 3 hours at the dealer....paper work, financing, detailing the car. We were finally able to take it home! It's a blast to drive it, is both economical, and powerful, i love it! It's definitely the best of both worlds. Well later that night I meet up with law, jake, bruno, mike, and jessica at the fullerton garage..just to relax and chill...because it was really long day. ended up goin to life after! haha as always, it was chill though.

June 14th Will, Dennis, and I go to SpoCom, it was pretty dope, The drive there and back was kinda tiring for some reason though...well there's not too much to say so just look at the pics LOL. then later I went to nicks house for a smoke, then the village to visit, and then to tony's house.